Does this book have a special meaning to you? i.e. where you
found the idea, its symbolism, its meaning, who you dedicated it to, what made
you want to write it?
Thank you for letting
me stop by today! As part of the research, I visited an artist’s studio. His
name was Bill Vann, and he was a legend in the world of commercial art. If
you’re over age 30, you’ve probably seen his work without realizing it. Not
only was he a master at his craft, but he had a passion for mentoring younger
artists and encouraging them along the way—including “writer artists” like me.
He was a close friend of the family. I’d known him for almost 30 years but had
never set foot inside his studio. That visit was the last time I ever saw him.
He passed away unexpectedly 4 months later. So I dedicated the book to his
Where do you get your storylines from?
I prime the pump by
brainstorming ideas. Truth be told, I’ve never stumbled on my book ideas that
way, but I think it gets my subconscious working 24/7. Eventually, a character
or predicament rises up from inside me, and it comes with a knowing that says,
“Yes, THIS is your next project. This is what you’re supposed to give the next
year of your life to.”
Was this book easier or more difficult to write than others? Why?

Do you only write one genre?
I’ve written a range
of different types of story, from dark struggles in From the Dead and Between
These Walls to lighthearted comedies like Beautiful Mess and Mona
Lisas. The most important element for me is that the protagonist have an
inner struggle, one that allows me to dig deep into their psyche and uncover
the golden veins that hide down there. Regardless of the story, readers seem to
liken it to something along the lines of Nicholas Sparks, so maybe it’s more
consistent that I realize.
Give us a picture of where you write, where you compose
these words…is it Starbucks, a den, a garden…we want to know your inner sanctum?
I write at Starbucks
in the morning! I arrive around 5:30 and plug away for 2-3 hours. I get to
watch the sunrise every day and begin each day doing what I love.

When I was 8 years
old, I finished a class assignment and looked over at the girl next to me, who
was writing a short story. I thought it looked like fun, so I gave it a try. I
fell in love with it! From that point forward, I wrote during all of my spare
time. By age 10, I’d decided I wanted to write novels as an adult and started
trying to do that, but at age 10, you don’t know how to accomplish a long-term
goal. So I abandoned the dream—even called the dream dead. But the flicker
never fully died. It took me until I was 29 years old, but that first novel
came to fruition. Never give up!
Thanks for hosting!