you think the cover of your book is important? Why or why not?

part of your writing time do you devote to marketing your book?
The rule is 70/30, with more time on writing/editing.
Up until this year, most of my time has been spent on writing and editing. But
this spring, I had 3 new books release back-to-back (each a month apart…not
planned in any way, it was just how the stars aligned with the submission and
publication timeline at the publisher). These past few months 95% of my time
has been on promotion work. So, it’s not the norm. I think most writers have
goals of writing a book per year (plus or minus, depending), so you always have
one being written, one in the edit queue, and one promoting. I’m looking
forward to returning to the 70/30 rule come summer, but for now, it’s hovering
at 95/5!
you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?
I work (write) from home full-time, after years of part-time
or full-time jobs outside of the home. I’m still a “nooks and crannies” writer
though, working around my family’s schedule when needed. I work almost every
day, but not always for long stretches. Some days I can put in a good 5-6
hours, others maybe 1-2. I must be flexible. I do enjoy my early morning
writing sessions and that’s when I’m most productive. Night time is family and
rest time.
was the hardest thing about writing your latest book?
This was my first book written in first person, but it
wasn’t as hard as I thought (and quite enjoyable). Also, it was my first completed
contemporary book, after spending years in historical Scotland (and
contemporary also turned out to be enjoyable! I’ve been told by some beta
readers that they enjoyed my modern day “voice”). The hardest parts came with
editing. I had to kill a lot of darlings in his manuscript, many that were part
of the original concept or I sliced out complete scenes/plot points! There were
a few other craft elements that caused hiccups along the way as well. However,
beta readers, critique partners, and my editor were all correct in their
feedback and I was happy with the finished product…though some of those
darlings were quite hard to toss!
Did I really toss those darlings? Well, many are saved
in a Word document on my harddrive. Just in case… 😊
Right now, I’m writing the third book my historical
romance trilogy. Next after that? I have a few ideas in development on the
contemporary romance or mainstream/women’s fiction front. This summer…I hope to
relax a bit and just write. Take some time off from promo.
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