made you want to write this book?
I wanted to write Gray Horizon because I enjoy
the main character. This is her third adventure, and I love the way her
character has grown and developed. She needed another story where she faces the
mercenary of her past and tackles the dangers of the future.
Where do you get your storylines from?

Was this book easier to write than others? Why?
Gray Horizon definitely took less time than
the other two books in the series, but with ten books out now I feel the
writing process has gotten faster. I’m not sure about ‘easier’ since the
research component was time consuming. I also solicited the help of a friend
and former military officer to make sure I wasn’t committing any egregious
errors in the response teams and diplomats involved in a nuclear threat.
Do you only write one genre?
I write in several genres, but I write one
theme: “She needed a hero, so she became one” (Robin Reed). I write strong
women overcoming monumental obstacles and emerging better for it. All of my
female characters have exceptional support from their male counterparts, and
success is part of the teamwork involved.
Nope. I write where and when I can … airports,
planes, coffee shops, home office, car shop lounge,
Describe what made you want to be a writer?
I love writing stories where characters face
daunting conflict and find their inner strength. I want action, adventure,
conflict, and suspense. When all of that is done, I want a happy ending.
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