Wednesday, March 5, 2025

A Book I'm Nervous To Read and Why

  Long and Short Reviews

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge

I had a very hard time with this weeks WWBC.

Who ever had a book they were nervous about? I've never thought about it.

I guess you could say I was nervous about reading War and Peace in high school because it was SOOOOOOOOO long.

Maybe I was nervous about reading Crime and Punishment too because I thought I'd be SOOOOOOOOOO bored...and I was.

Do those count? If not, I'm drawing a blank.

Come on, leave a comment and give me a hint about something you felt nervous about. I'm lost, as you can see.


  1. I haven’t read either of those books, but someday I’d like to!

  2. Ahhh War and Peace! That's a good pick for today's topic! 🙂🙂

    1. It would take a year to discuss. Bah humbug...have too many things on my TBR list!

  3. I can see how War and Peace might create some nerves. You really must be willing to invest time in a book that size. I almost gave up on The Stand by Stephen King because it seemed to drag in the beginning. Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

  4. I enjoyed your post Cheryl. I remember when I first saw The Stand (hardcover) thinking it could be a foot stool it was so thick.


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