Monday, September 2, 2024

Jacob's Melody - Book Tour


Harmony in Autism

Children's Book

Date Published: May 7, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media

Meet Jacob, an autistic friend who sees the world in his own way. Struggling to make friends, he discovers the power of music- and music therapy- with the help of a caring teacher. In the rhythm of challenges and quiet moments, Jacob finds his unique voice, proving that being different is extraordinary. Join Jacob's musical journey, where every note tells a story of belonging and strength.

My review...

Some of us are different but all of us should understand and each of us must find our own way. That’s what Jacob’s Melody is about.

Having a music education, this story, of course, touched my heart. Music Therapy was becoming an important path when I went to school and the participants in the field have had to fight very hard to prove its worth. Its benefits are shown here.

This sweet book is wonderfully great to be read by a young child or to read to a young child. And this is not just a book for children who have autism. This is a book for all children to understand a little about autism. The opportunity for further discussion and understanding with your child is almost endless. 

About the Author

Jacqueline Diaz is a thought leader championing to make workplaces more inclusive and accepting of neurodiversity. As the co-owner of a recruiting agency and the founder of a The Steven Spectrum Career Project, a nonprofit dedicated to placing the neurodiverse into the workforce, she dedicates herself to empowering individuals of all backgrounds to thrive in their careers.

Driven by a strong commitment to mental health, Jacqueline sees the important link between wellness and professional success. She fearlessly challenges the status quo and says work cultures need to make mental health a priority, it’s not just ideal, it’s essential.

Jacqueline aims to create real change, one idea at a time. Through her work, she raises up diverse voices and promotes environments where everyone can succeed using their unique talents. Her mission extends far beyond mere inspiration; she aims to spark meaningful change.


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