Sunday, August 25, 2024

Rumi and the Retribution


Rumi and the Retribution (Gabriel McKnight Book 1)Rumi and the Retribution by Pooneh Sadeghi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An excellent read. This is a fast-moving thriller. At first, I thought “oh, another missing person and International story”, but it really was much more. When Gabriel becomes a suspect, he really has no choice but to try and solve what has happened.

This book has a lot of information about Iran that I wasn’t aware of. It was interesting to read it as it was woven through this fictional story of murder and mayhem. I even looked a little of it up to see how fictional the history itself was. An author writing fiction has plenty of expressive license to write as they want, but this had quite a smattering of truth in it. There are a lot of layers here, but none seem to make the plot confusing.

A well-written book and one I hope will have more to follow.

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