Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Hard Dog's Night - Book Tour


YA  Historical Fiction /YA Coming of Age

Date Published: Tuesday, Aug 6th 2024


In a time when rock-n-roll is deemed evil music and blamed for youth rebellion, The Hound Dogs and The Dice are set to clash at the Madison Community Center.

The Hound Dogs search for a drummer to complete their lineup while The Dice hires Patrick McNeil as Danny Bruer's replacement. Unbeknownst to The Dice, Patrick carries a hidden agenda to sabotage his former band and settle old scores.

As Patrick and his accomplice, Stu, execute their plot, questions loom over the Madison Community Center. Can The Hound Dogs triumph against the odds? Will the controversy ignite a community torn between tradition and rebellion?

In a world where rock-n-roll rebels against societal norms, the destinies of two bands hang in precarious balance. The echoes of their battle will resonate far beyond the Madison Community Center.

My review...

I enjoyed the setting of this book. The 50’s setting is portrayed well. I can contest to that. The story never leaves the theme whether it’s the teenagers talking or the family sitting at the kitchen table together. Heck, it even talks about working at a department store which is difficult to find now. We read about the same problems we all faced…flirting, liking someone else’s girlfriend, getting in trouble at the library, first kisses, and being uncertain of ourselves.

This is a story very like life in general. It has its good guys and bad guys, its wife beaters everyone wants to pretend don’t exist, the gossips, and the sweet people you find in many small towns. For that matter, it’s very small-town-like.

It’s a long book, and I have to say 400+ pages seemed like too much to me. There were too many characters so this may have added to the book's length. One thing I’m not fond of having to do is look back and forth trying to keep up with “who is whom” so to speak. Because of the number of characters, I really had to turn back a lot. I didn’t read the first book. It may be that is why I had trouble keeping up with who was doing what.

Hard Dog’s Night, the second book in The Hound Dogs Series, is a unique blend of historical fiction, coming-of-age, and the power of music as it forever alters lives in the name of rock-n-roll.


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