Monday, July 8, 2024

Goldenruleism - Book Tour


Living a GoldenRuleism


Date Published: May 1, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media


You've FOUND It.

What We NEED.


The majority of people on Earth are familiar with the foundational ethical principle often called The Golden Rule - Humanity's Number One Rule.

It's time now for us to embrace a far more expansive and effective version of the original.

GoldenRuleism is the name of our overarching ethic - an ethic universal in its scope. Discover what it can mean for your life.

This booklet stimulates you to act - to do what YOU can - from where you are.

GoldenRuleism's foundation is its two principal principles - two elegantly simple sentences.

It's Humanity's "Apply It Now" ethic. We the people of the world need to be GoldenRuleistic. We'll make our lives decidedly better - with and for each other.

***NOTE: Our Spanish edition is also available!

 Read an excerpt below...

About the Author

Craig Cline advocates for us humans—and for all the other sentient beings on our one-and-only Mother Earth.

Craig has written many articles for publication, on a variety of topics. He wrote this booklet, with the assistance of his Editor-In-Residence wife Cherie: Golden Ruleism: Living A Golden Ruleism-Guided Life.

The Clines support a variety of nonprofit organizations, especially those in their local community. They feel we should all do whatever we can to ensure “our” nonprofits succeed in their heart-driven missions.

Craig’s premise is that by our universally embracing the two principal principles of Golden Ruleism—two simple-to-say and easy-to-remember sentences—we’ll collectively “Move the Needle of Humanity Towards Humane-ity.”

He asks that you please do what you can to move that needle.


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Excerpt from Golden Ruleism

GoldenRuleism represents the type of worldview we are

all grasping for at this time in human and geocentric history—

an overarching ethical compass if you will, for

present and future generations to embrace, embody and

live by. I love its powerful inclusion of “all for all” as

a universally applicable guide. GoldenRuleism gives us a

fresh take on age-old wisdom, ramping up our sense of

genuine compassion for each other, our children, and our

one-and-only Mother Earth.

Go Raibh Míle Maith Agat (A thousand thanks to you

in Irish).

—Shane O’Connor—GoldenRuleism Team Leader for

the Charter for Compassion, Activist, Professor, and

Co-Founder of Indigenous Ireland.

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