Wednesday, May 1, 2024

MEGASTAR! - Book Tour


Contemporary fiction and Romance

Date to be Published: May 1, 2024

Publisher: Indies United Publishing House

Dive into the mesmerizing world of “MEGASTAR” and experience a poignant tale of music, fame, love, and love lost. Nineteen-year-old Addison Stone, raised by a mentally unstable single mother, becomes an overnight international singing sensation. Still carrying the scars of his youth, he struggles to accept his sudden fame and fortune. Will it suffice to fill the void left by his tumultuous past?

With a twist of fate and a bit of kismet, Addison stumbles upon solace in his extraordinary singing voice. The stage becomes his refuge, but amidst the blinding lights and thunderous applause, there’s a deafening silence left by the absence of the woman he loved, lost, and hopes to reclaim.

As he climbs the ladder to musical acclaim, his heart remains tethered to a past he can never escape. He yearns for the love he once had but is lost to his addiction to fame and fortune.

From mother to son, the legacy of Addison’s turbulent childhood persists. Journey through the intricate roots of Addison’s life as “MEGASTAR” takes you on a captivating odyssey.


Praise for Megastar

In Megastar, readers receive a powerful tale of teen Addison Stone, who reaches the pinnacle of international singing success but also creates distance from the woman he loves, lost to stardom and addiction. The author blends realistic dialogue and character insights into the story of how pasts are either set aside or influence future decision-making. Libraries and readers seeking novels steeped in reflective accounts of changing love and ambition will find Megastar thought-provoking and worthy of book club debate and discussion as its hero attempts to move from tragedy to uplifting new possibilities in both life and love. 

5 Stars. D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review


Novels that feature celebrities are of enormous interest to the reading public. Megastar features teen Addison Stone reaching the heights of fame without the usual pitfalls that so often overshadow the rich and famous. The story concentrates on Addison’s feelings, portraying how money and fame cannot replace the loss of the woman he loves love. I kept expecting the story to take a different path, but time after time, I was surprised and simply had to keep reading to the explosive ending. I highly recommend this book. A well-deserved 5 stars!

Reviewed by Lucinda E Clarke for Readers’ Favorite

            Read an excerpt below

About the Author

Mr. Emery’s career as a Producer, Director, and Writer of motion pictures and television productions spans four decades. At a very early age, he began writing short stories and shared them with one of his teachers, who encouraged him to keep writing. His work in motion pictures and television eventually led him to begin writing books, both fiction and non-fiction, for which he has received many book awards, among them, Pen America, Author’s Circle, Book Excellence, Book Talk Radio, Readers Favorite, Literary Titan, International Review of Books.

His newest novel, “MEGASTAR,” is his 9th publication.

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Excerpt from "Megastar"

As the commercial break began, the Stage manager led Addison to his position on the rotating stage.

“It’ll be dark back here until the break is over, so be careful and don’t move around.”

G-g, got it,” Addison quietly said.

When the break ended, host Billy Wonder began Addison’s introduction. As Wonder said, “Ladies and Gentleman, Addison Stone,” the stage slowly began to rotate. Halfway around, the music for Your Love began and a spotlight struck Addison like a lightning bolt. A chill went through him. They had forgotten to inform Addison that would happen—he blinked and flinched. Suddenly, the painful years of his youth flashed through his mind. Stop, he told himself... concentrate, or you’ll blow this.

When the rotating stage reached the steps, Addison descended to the stage, took a deep breath, and removed the microphone from its stand with his right hand. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, he saw no judges, audience, or cameras. it was just him and his music; he was in a zone all by himself.

When he finished singing Your Love, the applause was deafening. The audience was on their feet with hoots, hollers, and whistles. Seven young ladies rushed to the edge of the stage with their hands outstretched, calling Addison’s name.

Addison looked baffled. He had no idea why they had rushed the stage or why they were reaching out to him. The ladies were quickly returned to their seats by two security men.

When the applause finally subsided, Billy Wonder joined Addison. “It appears, young man, you’ve captured the hearts of our audience.”

Addison looked like a terrified Doe.

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