Sunday, February 25, 2024

Scruff The Pup

Hippity hoppity, Easter's on its way! Scruff the pup is drooling in anticipation. But what will Scruff discover about chocolate eggs when a-hunting he will go? Find out in this gratifying wag of a tale.

my review...

It’s Easter for Scruff the Pup and his poochy friend, Frog. There are all kinds of fun going on…Easter eggs to hunt, Easter bunnies, playing and romping, and eating chocolate Easter eggs. Wait! No! Doggies can’t eat chocolate. And that in a nutshell is what this delightful children’s book is about. It’s about teaching children that there are things pets can’t eat and why.

This has adorable illustrations that can’t help but make you smile, and it’s a great story too. It’s an important story for children as well as fun. Something I will say about this book is that there is a lot of text together on single pages, several paragraphs. It is something I would only read straight through to a child of age 4 and up. However, it is a book you can read to any child if the text is broken up into paragraphs as if each paragraph is the text that would be on an individual page. Even discussion about the subject with younger children might help. Those full pages need that sort of “in-between breaths” it takes younger children to sometimes comprehend.

Don’t get me wrong…every part of this book is a 5-star children’s book. The most difficult thing for me to try and verbalize about this book is its importance for all children and its way of delivery. I think done right, it can be as effective, as useful, and as fun as can be.

read an excerpt...

The family is trying to make a large chocolate Easter bunny for the next day. Scruff plans to mop up any chocolate that drips to the floor.

The other dog, Frog, strangely named, catches a whiff of the tantalising chocolate aroma and hastily makes his way outside—muttering something or other about the cocoa pod.

Mum looks at Scruff licking his lips. ‘It’s a pity Scruff can’t have le chocolat,’ she says, trying to be discrete, as Dad and the two kids each try to claim a spoon from the chocolate cooking pot.

Scruff’s ears prick up at le chocolat—his great-grandmother was a French poodle. No chocolate for me?! he thinks, incredulous, and moves closer to the action.

 AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Katherine Udovicich has a background in primary teaching and education. She is from Melbourne, Australia, where she completed a bachelor's degree in science and a master's in teaching. Katherine's greatest joy is being a mum, and she is passionate about promoting literacy development for all children.




INSTAGRAM: Coming soon

 PURCHASE LINKS Scruff the Pup and the Cracking of the Cocoa Pod                       













  1. Thank you for the review and highlighting the importance of Scruff the Pup and the Cracking of the Cocoa Pod for ALL children! I enjoy browsing your website :)

  2. This looks like a great novel. Thanks for hosting this tour.


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