Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Theo & Sprout


offered by Goddess Fish Promotions

While Theo longs for some guidance through the perils of adolescence, the guidance he knew his family wouldn’t give him, he isn’t prepared for Sprout, his inner Divine Feminine, to present herself and offer it to him. In fact, he doesn’t appear to have a choice since Sprout, sassy and confident about her presence, won’t go away.

my review...

 I think this is a very deep read for tweenage readers, even young adults.  It most certainly was for me. I’ll call the character Theo/Sprout and through both of them we experience many opposite emotions, many of them very hard to handle.

I will admit that the story brought up many things that young emerging teens must feel and handle. How they handle those feelings or how they react to situations molds their lives in many ways. Theo is a shy, introverted boy, and Sprout is his opposite. Except Sprout and Theo are the same person.

You will probably not be surprised at this point when I say I had trouble following Gergen’s book. I wonder if young people will understand it. If they do, they will have gained a lot of food for thought.

read an excerpt... 


SPROUT. My brother had no idea the impact the nickname he derisively gave me would have. Neither of us knew how unwittingly appropriate it would become. Was it destiny or self-fulfilling prophecy? I don’t know. Memories and dreams and possibilities like to mix together. As far as my past is concerned and the makeup of who I am and what shaped me, I can make no distinction between memory and reality and dream. I usually don’t try.

While I certainly don’t remember all of my childhood, and many aspects are densely foggy, I remember with clarity the day my life changed. I was preparing for school in the basement bathroom—the small, cramped bathroom that seemed more like a large porta-potty with a shower than an actual bathroom. Wet towels covered the floor and almost all available surfaces. Countless toiletries jumbled themselves wherever space allowed them to balance or stack. Most of these did not belong to me. They belonged to my collection of brothers and sisters. I had a toothbrush. I knew that. Usually, I found toothpaste. If I absolutely needed a less common toiletry, I picked through a baffling array of products, many of which I had no understanding, until I found something useful.

about Joseph Gergen...

Author of “Theo and Sprout”. Born and raised on the plains of North Dakota. Moved to Twin Cities because it’s actually warmer. Enjoy creating in whatever form it takes, including writing, painting, and furniture making. The enjoyment is in the doing. Looking to add a little magic to the world through art.

 Other books include “Without a Pang” and “Methane Wars.”


Social Media:

Website: https://josephgergen.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoeGergen  or@joegergen

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joegergen    or @joegergen

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079140443073


Book Reviews:








Books Available at:


“Theo and Sprout” available as eBook, paperback and audiobook Amazon:



And Barnes and Noble as ebook and paperback:



“Without a Pang”

Available at Amazon as ebook and paperback:




“Methane Wars”

Available at Amazon as ebook and paperback:



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