Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Momma Would You Ever?

Join a boy and his momma on a heartwarming journey through the different stages of life in "Momma Would You Ever?" From tender moments at home to adventurous explorations in the great outdoors, this heartwarming tale celebrates the precious moments and memories that shape our lives...

Written with simplicity and heart, this inspiring children's book is perfect for families to read together and discuss. Children will be moved by the tender relationship depicted in these pages, while parents and grandparents will appreciate the lessons of love and sacrifice. This inspiring children's book reminds us that the most valuable things in life are not money and possessions, but the cherished relationships and experiences we share with those we love.

Through the joys of simple moments and the richness of shared memories, "Momma Would You Ever?" reminds us of the beauty of sacrificial love, the value of relationships, and the gift of time.

my review...

A sweet book to be read to young children. Very singsong like...almost poetic. The illustrations tell the story too. 

about Rebecca Marklund...

Rebecca Marklund is a truth seeker, mother of four, and nurse. She lives with her four children on the West Coast, where she bravely engages in living out her own process of metamorphosis. In her spare time, she enjoys gardening, reading, hiking, swimming in the ocean, investing in

her local community and building healthy relationships.




LINKED IN: https://www.linkedin.com/today/author/rebecca-marklund-6067674


GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/22781186.Rebecca_Marklund


PURCHASE LINKS:  Momma Would You Ever?


AMAZON.COM: https://amazon.com/dp/0228870402


AMAZON.CA: https://amazon.ca/dp/0228870402


AMAZON KINDLE: https://amazon.com/dp/B0C2SYXJHG


BARNES & NOBLE: https://bit.ly/3Oygeju

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