Monday, June 13, 2022

Arid Sea

Faydra “Spider” Green is a spirited Navy lawyer who wants nothing more than to do the right thing and see justice done. After reconciling with her father, former President William Green, Fay is asked to investigate the mysterious disappearance of Alvin Joe, a retired admiral. He has vanished – seemingly into thin air – from his Florida home, along with secret files for a top-secret military weapon. Alongside her bubbly, quick-witted sister and a handsome, affable Sheriff, Fay sets out to track down Joe. But she soon finds herself embroiled in a deeper and far more sinister plot involving an unscrupulous corporation, the mafia, and a truly evil man who has his sights set on destroying her.


my review...

If you pick this up as a print book or download it to your e-book, you’d better have the time to finish it. You won’t want to put it down. This (Arid Sea) is another of Norm Harris’ Spider Green tales, and it’s a captivating thriller. Faydra, or Spider as she’s called, is a navy lawyer and she’s being sent on another mission. This time she must try and find a missing retired General. No one’s totally sure if he’s been taken or he has disappeared on purpose.

There are quite a few characters in this story as was true in Book 1. Some have nicknames too. I have a bugaboo about having to look back some pages to determine “who might be whom”, so to speak. It didn’t happen here. I hate to say it’s the author’s skill of character definition because I know it sounds like I’m using a cliché. However, I was never confused about the characters. Obviously, Harris was able to mold and shape his characters so that I could picture them. Even the dialog helped because they all seemed to have their own special dialect, some literally and some figuratively.

There are also a lot of emotions in this story. You wouldn’t think a thriller with a hard as nails navy lawyer and her buddies, could move you to tears, but this has a lot going for it. I found that true in the first book I read (The Fruit of the Poisonous Tree). Norm Harris seems to be able to write a tough, gritty, tale with an underlying theme that we everyday people can identify, hurt, confusion, and fear.

To date there are 4 books in this series titled “Spider Green Mystery Thriller”. I’ve read two and each one could totally be read as a stand-alone. However, I think you’d be foolish to miss any of them.

read an excerpt... 

In five minutes, her sister would be gator chow. She looked back to the spot where she had last seen Pearce. Her sister was swimming for all she was worth, with the gator hot on her heels. Pearce was a good swimmer. As Fay watched her sister make a valiant attempt to stay ahead of the gator, she recalled an observation Charles Darwin, the evolutionist, had once made: “He who hesitates is… lunch.” Fay grabbed the remaining speargun and prepared to swim to her sister’s aid. Just as she was about to leap from the boat, she spotted a shark. A giant bull shark hovered about three feet back and about five feet below the boat’s stern. Pearce was heading directly away from the gator’s jaws into those of the waiting bull shark. Were these two creatures working this area together? The gator herded Pearce toward Jaws Junior, and fish and reptile would split the profits? Out of the frying pan and into the fire, as they said – or in this case, out of the fire and into the inferno. Fay needed to think fast. She pointed the speargun at the shark. After shoving the gun into the water, she fired. She must have hit the fish, as the speargun ripped from her hands and disappeared into the water. This was not a good move on her part. Now there was an angry alligator, a wounded bull shark, and a blood trail in the water.


about Norm Harris...

Norm Harris' first novel debuted on an Amazon bestseller list in 2002. It was a one-and-done, but now he's back with a plan to publish a couple of sequels to that first mystery/thriller of days gone by. Except for time spent in military service, he is a second-generation Seattleite (that's what they call those who dwell in the shadow of Mt. Rainier), with his legal beagle son, K-K, and five giant tropical fish. His upcoming release, Arid Sea, is the third book in what he hopes to be an award-winning Spider Green Mystery Story series.




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  1. Thank you for sharing your awesome review of Arid Sea, this sounds like a thrilling book and series


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