Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Into the Devil's Den

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions

Ellen W. Martin will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

See below or Click on "read more" to sign up for the Giveaway.  

For twenty-years Sam Steele lived with a lie gnawing at his conscience — for twenty-years his only child believed her mother was dead. Without warning his ex-wife springs from the ashes of the past and reaches out to him in his capacity as a veteran Immigration Custom Enforcement agent.


When Sam’s ex dumps a father’s living nightmare into his lap, he must choose between doing his duty as a law enforcer and jeopardizing his cherished relationship with his daughter. Circumstances beyond his control leave him no choice. Before he can seek forgiveness, TERRI ANNE disappears. Sam neglects his duties as an ICE agent and becomes obsessed in finding her. In the wake of his search he unravels a trail of murder, illegal Green Card marriages, and unveils a jihadist’s plot to launch a terror attack on American soil.


INTO THE DEVIL’S DEN – SNARED BY THEIR OWN LIES weaves a tangled tale of suspense, murder, and treachery. Each twisted circumstance is triggered by that one well-intended lie Sam Steele told his child — a lie that mushrooms into several more falsehoods and leaves multiple lives dangling by a single thread. The daunting task of facing the truth and the race against time pushes ICE agent Sam Steele’s integrity to the limit.

read an excerpt...

Terri raced upstairs grabbed a pair of jeans and a sweater, slipped her tennis shoes on without tying them and hurried back downstairs. She pulled on her jacket and slipped out the front door. Her eyes darted around the area looking for the man. Where was he? It didn’t matter. She had to get away from there now.

Terri looked toward the barn. When she saw the door ajar, she made the quick decision to head in the opposite direction. She dashed off the porch toward the woods. Terri sprinted, slid sideways, almost falling down the steep terrain, but was able to grab a small tree trunk to stay upright. Briars snagged her jeans, underbrush slap her in the face and scratched her arms. She had to get as far and as deep into the woods as she could before someone came looking for her.

She hopped over a log, caught her foot, and tumbled to the ground, hitting her head against a rock. Searing pain made her dizzy. Terri fought the swirling darkness overtaking her consciousness. No, no stop, I can’t pass out. No time to lose. Need to get away.

Terri pulled up on one knee, then another until she stood on two feet. The trees swirled by faster and faster like she was on an out of control Tilt-a-Whirl. White spots danced before her eyes. Everything went black.

about Ellen W. Martin...

A proud wife of a retired Air Force officer, mother of one son and grandparent of three grandchildren, Ellen, didn’t start writing until retirement years, and even then she considered writing a hobby.  In 2019 she published a historical fiction, SONS OF CUBA, a two book series.  INTO THE DEVILS DEN is her third publication.  During the early months while COVID-19 was wreaking havoc through the nation and around the world, she took the opportunity to write another suspense thriller entitled SHATTERED LOYALTIES which she hopes will be published and released sometime in 2021.

The Martin’s call the snow-white beaches and emerald waters near Northwest Florida home. 


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  1. Thank you for hosting my book tour INTO THE DEVIL'S DEN - Snared By Their Own Lies today. I hope your followers enjoy the excerpt and learning a little more about me and my books. I'll be in and out today so if they have any questions, please ask.

    Ellen Martin

    1. Glad to have you on Our Town Book Reviews. Best of luck with your book.

  2. Sounds great, thank you for sharing.

  3. As this evening draws to a close, I want to once again thank Our town Book reviews for hosting my book tour today. I hope all your followers enjoyed the small excerpt and if they get a chance to read INTO THE DEVIL'S DEN - Snared by Their Own Lies they will enjoy and look forward to reading my other books.


    Ellen Martin

    1. Sounds to me like people need to read them all --kathy

  4. The book sounds like an intense read, a book that you have to read in one sitting because you cannot put it down.

  5. Hey Linda

    That was the plan as I wrote it. Hope you get a chance to take a look.

    Ellen Martin

  6. This is a very nice blog. I like it as I see and overview it. Immigration Consultants Singapore


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