Thursday, November 19, 2020

Big Wishes for Little Feat

Children's Book

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions

Cheryl Olsten will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. 

 See below or Click on "read more" to sign up for the Giveaway.  

When Ella and Little Feat are brought together, their devotion to each other grows. Their awe and love of the night sky with sparkling stars and constellations takes them on a journey that will change their lives forever. Big Wishes for Little Feat is a wonderful tale that will ignite the imagination with its rich, colorful illustrations by award-winning Italian illustrator Paolo d'Altan. Central to the book's charm is the imagery of stars and constellations to which a little girl and her horse both look for inspiration, confidence, and faith in themselves, as they learn how to turn disappointments into achievements. A quirky aunt adds to the fun of this tale of happy endings and new beginnings. For young girls who love animals with a special fondness for the magic of horses.

read an excerpt...

On the other side of the world lived a little girl named Ella. She wore her hair in a long French braid that fell to the middle of her back. Her eyes were as blue as the midnight sky. She knew a lot about constellations. On summer and winter nights, she and her father would lie in their backyard, looking up at the patterns the stars made.

“Ella,” her father would ask, a twinkle in his voice, “what pattern do you see tonight?”

“I see a horse, a ying horse! Do you?”         

“Well, yes I do,” said her father. “That’s Pegasus, the winged horse. He’s one of the largest constellations in the sky.”

He’s so beautiful,” said Ella. “I would love to have a horse like that—a horse who can carry me to the stars!”

 “Maybe one day your wish will come true, Ella, my beloved, brilliant étoile,” said her father in French. “Brilliant means bright, and you pronounce it bree-yant. Étoile means star, and you pronounce it eh-twal. You are my bright star.”   

“Your beloved, brilliant étoile,” she softly repeated.  

my review...

Oh my, I'm not sure if I can write the words that this beautiful little story deserves. It made me feel like a little girl and I couldn't read it fast enough. But...I did stop and slow down. That's because of the fitting and pretty illustrations. 

This is not just a beautiful story. It is short and distinct enough to keep a child's interest. I'm supposed to say this is a children's book but I enjoyed it and I'm OLD now:) 

What a nice gift for a child of 5or 6 and up to read or for a parent to read to a child of any age. 

about Cheryl Olsten...

Cheryl Olsten was formerly the publisher of two New Jersey Magazines, New Jersey Life and New Jersey Life Health and Beauty.  She resides in Pennsylvania with her husband, while their grown children are living their happy lives on different parts of the globe.


  1. This seems like a great book! My little human loves constellations.

  2. With Thanksgiving next week, what is your must have Thanksgiving dish?

  3. Thanks Our Town for sharing your review! Cheryl, I enjoyed following the tour and learning about wonderful book, thanks for sharing and I hope the tour was a success!

  4. Your book sounds great and  I appreciate you sharing it and for the giveaway.. Thanks!


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