Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Fear Justice

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Teresa Mathews will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

See below to sign up for the GIVEAWAY

Seventeen-year-old Rena Mason counts the days until she can leave for college. Every night her father drinks himself to sleep, leaving her to care for her younger brother. When her father is kidnapped by terrorists, her dreams of freedom become a nightmare.

Stunned that her father has a history with these terrorists, Rena knows she must run or be their next victim. She learns the tough guy at school has a reason to look after her - he's working for a government agency with the same goal as the terrorists: find a woman who disappeared eighteen years ago. Time is running out since only this woman's special gift can save the world from a looming nuclear attack.

Rena can't trust anyone, especially not the stone-cold agent she's falling for. Can they save the world before Rena's feelings trap her in an agent's fight for justice?

Fear Justice contains elements of fantasy, sci-fi, and paranormal, with a clean romance. It's the first book in an exciting new series called The Fear Chronicles.

My Review

This is what might be called a young/adult thriller type of genre. I am not a young adult. Sometimes I’m not even an old adult (just a grown-up kid) but I really enjoyed this book. It sort of grabs you at the beginning...a young girl, pretty well raising her younger brother alone because their dad can’t seem to get past the death of their mother. And yet, this particular story is not that story. Rena, or Regina, seems to be a strong young girl who is fearless and the writing to paint a picture of her is the kind of writing that gives you the feeling you can handle anything too. Almost a personal sort of uplifting feeling in the midst of chaos and fright.

The characters, especially Rena and her friend Tony are crafted well with intense personalities and are two people who have had their share of problems. The story keeps you right on the edge, wondering what will happen. It was a good read, a quick read and also well worth the time. As I said before, I enjoyed it as an adult, but it is also clean enough it to be read by young adults. Rather refreshing actually.

read an excerpt...
Tony cleared his throat. “You said your dad was kidnapped?”

“Last night. Coach and my dad were friends. They joined the Army together.” Why was I babbling? Tony didn’t need to know my life story. “I showed up this morning because I thought he might know why these people were after my dad.”

“Did either of them tell you?”

I shook my head and looked at Tony. “The man who beat up Coach Andrews—he said he’d give me a head start before hunting me down.”

Again, Tony glanced in the mirror. “He didn’t happen to say he drives a black Lincoln, did he?”

As I spun in the seat and leaned over the headrest to see, the belt cut into my neck. Behind us, a black car crept closer with every second. Someone in the passenger seat leaned out of the window with a gun. “There’s a man with a gun following us and I’m not freaking out. At least, I don’t think I am.”

“No, you’re cool.”

With a bitter laugh, I turned back around and dropped down on the red vinyl seat. “Cool? When are you going to ask why I’m not afraid?”

Tony hit the brakes and made a turn that left me choking from the belt’s grip. “Right after you ask why I picked you up.”

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

C.C. Bolick grew up in south Alabama, where she’s happy to still reside. She’s an engineer by day and a writer by night—too bad she could never do one without the other.

Camping, fishing… she loves the outdoors and the warm Alabama weather. For years she thought up stories to write and finally started putting them on paper back in 2006. If you hear her talking with no one to answer, don’t think she’s crazy. Since talking through her stories works best, a library is her worst place to write… even though it’s her favorite!

C.C. loves to mix sci-fi and paranormal—throw in a little romance and adventure and you’ve got her kind of story. She’s written nine books including the Leftover Girl series, The Agency series, and The Fear Chronicles.

The Book is on sale for $0.99 during the tour.

Buy Link:

Author Links:

 Visit these other tour hosts to read more about this book and author.

July 23: Fabulous and Brunette
July 25: Sharing Links and Wisdom
July 30: Rogues Angels
August 1: Andi's Young Adult Books
August 6: Read Your Writes Book Reviews
August 8: Viviana MacKade
August 13: BooksChatter
August 15: All the Ups and Downs
August 20: The Reading Addict
August 22: Character Madness and Musings
August 27: Kit 'N Kabookle
August 29: The Avid Reader
September 3: Dawn's Reading Nook
September 5: Travel the Ages
September 10: Jazzy Book Reviews
September 12: Stormy Nights Reviewing and Bloggin'
September 17: Author C.A.Milson
September 19: Sybrina's Book Blog AND Sybrina's Book Blog
September 24: Musings From An Addicted Reader
September 26: Readeropolis
October 1: Jessica Belmont - review only
October 3: Our Town Book Reviews - review only
October 8: Long and Short Reviews
October 10: Hope. Dreams. Life... Love
October 15: T's Stuff
October 17: Tam's Book Nook
October 22: The Pen and Muse Book Reviews
October 24: Books in the Hall
October 29: Harlie's Books
October 31: Independent Authors


  1. Thanks for featuring Fear Justice on your blog today! I appreciate you taking the time to read and review.

    1. really enjoyed it. Best of luck with your book.

  2. I am enjoying these tours and finding all the terrific books my family is enjoying reading. Thanks for bringing them to us and keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks for checking out the post today on Our Town Book Reviews!

  3. This is a thriller for sure, and sounds like it would appeal to many ages!

    1. Yes, thanks for the comment. Fear Justice has a good bit of action, suspense, and even a little romance. The main characters of my books are often young adults, but the stories are written so that adults can enjoy.

  4. I am looking forward to reading this book!

  5. Thanks to everyone stopping by today. Best of luck on the Giveaway.

  6. How long did it take you to write your book? Congrats on the release.

  7. I am very excited to read this book!

  8. Great excerpt, this sounds really good

  9. I am excited to find out who beat up Coach Andrews.

  10. I hope everyone is having a great week!

  11. What a fantastic book cover!

  12. Here's to a wonderful Wednesday!

  13. Happy, happy FRI-YAY!

  14. Here's to a terrific day!

  15. Happy Halloween!

  16. Here's to an awesome weekend!


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