Monday, March 19, 2018

Julia Donner

The Rake and the Bishop's Daughter
Genre: Regency Romance
Society’s beloved wastrel, Sir Harry Collyns, pushes his popularity past the point of acceptability when he poses for a statue that creates a social uproar. People line up for blocks to see Handsome Harry in the nude, sculpted by a female artist! Bored with the fuss and scandal, Harry hitches up his fastest team, heads for the country, and a near fatal curricle accident. When the bandages are removed from his head days later, he discovers the angel-voiced widow who’d cared for him is neither elderly nor as mild as her tone, but a straight-laced do-gooder unimpressed with his flamboyant past and dashing good looks. Head-battered and heading for a broken heart, he falls into love with Widow Olivia St. Clair, who might be the one woman in England that Harry can’t charm into loving him back.

Asterly watched his brother prowl around the room, pretend to study titles on the bookshelves, and trail his fingertips across a table’s gleaming surface. He waited for Harry to say what was on his mind, and felt concern when his twin avoided it with an elusive comment.

This is Lizzie’s favorite room, but not yours. Why do I almost always find you in here when I come?”

Quite obvious, I should think. Elizabeth spends most of her time at home at that desk.” He gestured with his head at the massive desk with ornately carved legs. “She says its ponderous presence sets men on edge. My favorite’s elsewhere.”

She still manages her finances?”

And mine,” Asterly said. “What is bothering you?”

Harry stopped to stare down at the glossy shine on the toes of his boots and clasped his hands behind his back. “I’ve something important to tell you. It should wait until Lizzie gets here. Why did you say you didn’t like this room?”

I didn’t say that. I said that my favorite room is elsewhere, and if that grin of yours is suggesting a bedchamber, that isn’t where.”

Harry smirked. “Liar.”

Am not,” Asterly shot back, then laughed. “Well, perhaps sometimes. But truthfully, it’s the receiving room where I first met her. Are you certain you want to wait to tell me? Whatever it is, you’re bursting with it.”

AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Julia will be awarding a $30 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour ((see below).

Julia Donner (aka M.L.Rigdon) grew up in historic Galena, IL, USA, and spent most of her time in the museum of her aunt, who encouraged her interest in history and understood the need to cherish a dream. She started writing in secret in her teens and never stopped, merging it with her mother's encouragement to study theater and music, which led to performing in the Midwest, California and
as far away as Austria.

Donner never forgot what it was like to write alone as a girl and is a happy member of Summit City Scribes. Concern for the failing educational system led her to develop Your Futures in Ink, a panel of local and regional authors, who go into to schools to encourage students and answer questions about writing.

THE TIGRESSE AND THE RAVEN, first book in the regency Friendship Series, is an RWA contest finalist. The ninth book in the series, A ROGUE FOR MISS PRIM and the tenth, AN AMERICAN FOR AGNES, are available now. A LAIRD’S PROMISE will be released by Spring 2018.

M.L Rigdon (aka Julia Donner)

Follow on Twitter @RigdonML



  1. I enjoyed getting to know your book; congrats on the tour and I hope it is a fun one for you :)

  2. Great post, I enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Congratulations on the book tour. Thanks for hosting the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

  4. Congratulations on the book tour. Thanks for hosting the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

  5. Love this premise!


  6. Thanks so much to everyone for stopping by. Had an errand to run and apologize for not getting your great comments posted sooner.

    Best of luck on the Giveaway.


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