What made you want to write this book?
First and foremost, my
grandmother (Gran). She and I had a special relationship. When I was old
enough, we traveled together. One special trip took us to Scotland where we
traced Gran’s childhood memories (she was born in Scotland) and we followed the
trail of Mary Queen of Scots. We had been enjoying a number of novels and
biographies about the ill-fated queen and my grandmother ignited my interest by
telling me about ancestors who helped in her escape from Loch Leven Castle. I
always wanted to write about Queen Mary, but it wasn’t until the Brexit debacle
and the ongoing desire of the Scottish people to separate from England, that I
started looking more closely at the stories around Queen Mary. I knew she had
given birth, prematurely, to twins while imprisoned at Loch Leven. History
records that the babies died at birth and were buried on the island where the
castle sat. An interesting footnote states that the location of the burial and the
babies’ remains have never been found. So, I started thinking, ‘what if?’. What
if there had been another heir to the Scottish throne and Scotland never did
amalgamate with England and Ireland? And my story unfolded.
Where do you get your storylines from?
Everywhere. I began my writing career
writing family stories: memoirs and creative nonfiction. In a way I still am
writing these family stories. If Gran’s stories were true, then I do have a
connection to these long-ago historical figures. And, I’m writing about
passions I shared with someone special. In fact, one of the characters in the
novel is somewhat fashioned after my grandmother. The main character, Mary
Elizabeth, was brought up by her grandmother, Marie de Guise, the mother of
Mary Queen of Scots. This grandmother figure and her special bond with her
granddaughter is so much like my Gran and my special bond with her. So, you
could say that I still get my stories from family stories.
Was this book easier to write than
Yes, and no.
Easier in a sense because it’s a subject
I always wanted to write about: Mary Queen of Scots. Harder in that I was
setting new goals for myself and I was writing in a totally new genre:
historical fiction/fantasy/science fiction.
Do you only write one genre?
No. I read and write in many different
genres, but each genre is full of characters inspired by those I have known all
my life: my family.
Do you have a specific place or setting
where you write?
I always carry a notebook with me so
that I can write anywhere. And, when I say notebook, I mean the genuine paper
-bound type of notebook. At home, I have an antique spinet desk situated in
front of a picture window that looks out onto the wooded part of my property. I
feel like I’m Jane Austen working at my spinet desk. Except, I do write on a
laptop that sits on the spinet desk, rather than the quill, ink and paper that
Jane Austen would have used. That’s my special writing place.
Describe what made you want to be a
My family. As soon as I could hold a pencil
and knew my letters, I was writing stories. I have
always loved writing. I grew up in a family of storytellers. We would sit
around the dinner table sharing our stories. Being the youngest, I didn’t have
much chance to share my stories, so, as soon as I could write, I wrote my
stories. I particularly enjoy writing stories about real people and real life,
though I’ve recently ventured into the realm of historical fiction, fantasy and
sci-fi. I started my writing career in the late 1970s writing for small
publications, telling people’s stories and writing about interesting places. I
still enjoy writing these types of stories, but my passion for fiction insists
that I write novels as well. Who inspired me? My mother and my grandmother. My
mother was very creative and she encouraged me to write my stories. My
grandmother was a wonderful storyteller, always full of stories to share. I
wrote both my mother’s story, “F-Stop: A Life in Pictures” and my grandmother’s
story, “Personal Notes”. And I still write little stories about these two
special women.
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